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08 9583 5579
Servicing all areas covered by City Of Mandurah :
Shire Of Murray :
Shire Of Waroona :
Shire of Jarrahdale/ Serpentine :
Shire of Boddington:
Builders Reg: BC105445
We can design a steel kit shed, garage or barn to meet your brief. With full access to innovative and flexible building design software, we can design a suitable structure to suit your application.
Genuine Quality Sheds
We pride ourselves on the quality of our steel building kits. WA Shed suppliers utilise BlueScope Steel exclusively in their buildings with structural members comprising GALVASPAN 450+ MPa cold-rolled sections and high tensile sheeting in ZINCALUME® and COLORBOND® steel. Each job is custom designed and engineered specific to the site where it will be erected.
Commercial Applications
For those with commercial requirements, we can also design larger and more complex structures. This system offers near limitless design options for your next large scale steel building project, all while keeping industrial shed costs down.
Fantastic Value
The powerful WA S Sheds pre-engineered system allows us to instantly design and customise your new shed, warehouse, workshop, equine arena, farm shed, stable, steel barn or building. Beyond adjusting dimensions, there is also a wide range of optional value-adding extras that we can build into your quote. Our garages and sheds for sale offer the best value on the market.